1.2. Subscribe to inoQulate from the Azure Marketplace

Make sure you have completed Before You Start before subscribing to the solution.

1.2.1. inoQulate Marketplace Listing

  1. Click Get It Now on this link to subscribe to the solution on the Azure Marketplace.

  2. Click Continue on the prompt.

  3. Click Create.

1.2.2. Basics

  1. In Subscription, select an Azure subscription.

  2. In Resource group in the next line, select or create a new resource group.


    If you are not sure, create and select a new resource group named inoQulate.

  3. Select a Region to deploy all Azure resources in the solution.

  4. Enter a value for Domain Name Label Prefix.

    • This value sets a prefix for the website addresses to EJBCA and Signserver applications.

    • The recommended value is your company name in lowercase letters, substituting spaces and special characters for dashes.

  5. Enter inoQulate for the Application Name.

  6. Optionally, set the name of the Managed Resource Group. Note its value.

  7. Click Next.

1.2.3. Kubernetes Cluster

Recommended configurations are listed in the table below:

Table 1.2 Recommended Configurations



Recommended Value

Cluster Name

Name of the Azure Kubernetes Cluster (AKS)


Node Size

SKU of the Virtual Machine running AKS

Standard_D8ds_v5 or
Standard_D8ds_v4 or

Object ID of the administrator

Object ID of the administrator that will manage the solution. This administrator is added the role Azure Kubernetes Service RBAC Cluster Admin to the AKS cluster.

CA Domain Name Label

The domain name label that determines the web address to access your EJBCA application. See What’s the web address for the EJBCA Admin Page / Signserver Admin Page?.


Signer Domain Name Label

The domain name label determines the web address to access your Signserver application. See What’s the web address for the EJBCA Admin Page / Signserver Admin Page?.


Common Name Prefix

Sets the Common Name in the generated X.509 certificates. E.g., the prefix pQCee would create the names pQCee CA and pQCee inoQulate Service in the certificate.

<company name>

Run Schedule

The frequency and timing of the inoQulate service runs. This should be represented in a cron schedule expression. The recommended value evaluates to “everyday at midnight”.

0 0 * * *


Click Next.

1.2.4. Tags

  1. Enter resource tags to organise your Azure resources. For example, set app for Name and inoQulate for Value to all the resources.

  2. Click Next: Review + create.

1.2.5. Review

  1. Review the details and click Create.