Subscribe to inoQulate from the Azure Marketplace ================================================================================ Make sure you have completed :ref:`before-you-start` before subscribing to the solution. inoQulate Marketplace Listing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Click **Get It Now** on this `link `_ to subscribe to the solution on the Azure Marketplace. .. image:: ./images/get_it_now.png #. Click **Continue** on the prompt. #. Click **Create**. .. _subscribe-to-inoqulate-basics: Basics ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. In **Subscription**, select an Azure subscription. #. In **Resource group** in the next line, select or create a new resource group. .. note:: If you are not sure, create and select a new resource group named ``inoQulate``. #. Select a **Region** to deploy all Azure resources in the solution. #. Enter a value for **Domain Name Label Prefix**. - This value sets a prefix for the :ref:`website addresses ` to EJBCA and Signserver applications. - The recommended value is your company name in lowercase letters, substituting spaces and special characters for dashes. #. Enter ``inoQulate`` for the **Application Name**. #. Optionally, set the name of the **Managed Resource Group**. Note its value. .. image:: ./images/create_inoQulate_basics.png #. Click **Next**. .. _subscribe-to-inoqulate-kubernetes: Kubernetes Cluster ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Recommended configurations are listed in the table below: .. list-table:: Recommended Configurations :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Explanation - Recommended Value * - Cluster Name - Name of the Azure Kubernetes Cluster (AKS) - inoQulate * - Node Size - `SKU of the Virtual Machine `_ running AKS - | Standard_D8ds_v5 or | Standard_D8ds_v4 or | Standard_DS2_v2 * - Object ID of the administrator - :ref:`Object ID` of the administrator that will manage the solution. This administrator is added the role **Azure Kubernetes Service RBAC Cluster Admin** to the AKS cluster. - .. _ca-domain-name-label: * - CA Domain Name Label - The domain name label that determines the web address to access your EJBCA application. See :ref:`address-references`. - -inoqulate-ca .. _signer-domain-name-label: * - Signer Domain Name Label - The domain name label determines the web address to access your Signserver application. See :ref:`address-references`. - -inoqulate-signer * - Common Name Prefix - Sets the Common Name in the generated X.509 certificates. E.g., the prefix ``pQCee`` would create the names ``pQCee CA`` and ``pQCee inoQulate Service`` in the certificate. - * - Run Schedule - The frequency and timing of the inoQulate service runs. This should be represented in a `cron schedule `_ expression. The recommended value evaluates to "everyday at midnight". - 0 0 * * * .. image:: ./images/create_inoQulate_k8s.png Click **Next**. Tags ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Enter `resource tags `_ to organise your Azure resources. For example, set ``app`` for **Name** and ``inoQulate`` for **Value** to all the resources. .. image:: ./images/create_inoQulate_tags.png #. Click **Next: Review + create**. Review ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Review the details and click **Create**.