SPP Toolkit’s documentation


pQCee’s Signature Pre-Image Proof (SPP) toolkit is a technology which allows your message digest to be cryptographically signed with a quantum-safe layer wrapping the digest and protects it from quantum tampering.

SPP is one of pQCee’s solutions to help organisations and individuals be quantum ready.


pQCee’s SPP toolkit consist of 4 main functions which achieves the SPP signing process.

First, PQSPP_keygen generates a secret key and public key which will be used for the signing process later on.

Then, the secret key will be passed to PQSPP_sign_digest in order for the digest to be signed by the secret key.

The public key will be passed to the PQSPP_verify_digest function in order to verify the digest against its signature.

Lastly, PQSPP_free_memory is used to free up any memory that was allocated during the signing process but will not be in used anymore.

Getting Started

The SPP Toolkit’s functions exposed from the library are written in C language. Therefore, you may need the following:

PQSPP Header file:



PQSPP library for Windows target:

static: pqspp_sdk.dll.lib

dynamic: pqspp_sdk.dll

PQSPP libray for Linux target:

static: libpqspp_sdk.a

dynamic: libpqspp_sdk.so

Do note that you may need to include other relevant C libraries and header files.

How It Works

Functions’ Guidelines