TEE API Server Toolkit by pQCee

about pQCee

pQCee.com is a quantum cybersecurity startup that designs and builds post-quantum products and solutions to strengthen and protect the next generation of computing against quantum attacks. Please contact info@pqcee.com for more offerings. For more information about this product or pQCee, please visit https://www.pqcee.com/.

about TEE API Server Toolkit

The project aims to demonstrate the use of a quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithm in a hardware-secured environment. This can be achieved by delivering the SPP algorithm in a web server running in a Trusted Execution Environment, which for this project, the Intel Software Guard Extension (SGX) platform has been chosen.

The desired outcome would be the ability to generate and verify quantum-safe cryptographic ECDSA signatures, in a secure environment where no other code can read or tamper with the data.

What is this manual about?

This manual is a guide to the TEE API Server Toolkit. It provides information on how to use the toolkit, set up the virtual machine, and the API reference.