QuICScript: Quantum in a Browser

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Avaliable Gates
  • X,Y,Z : Pauli-X,Y,Z gate
  • H : Hadamard gate
  • CN : Control Not / Toffoli gate
  • P,T : Phase shift π/2 and π/4 gate
  • I,m : Identity and measure gate
  • J,U : QuICScript universal gate
  • , : Intermediate delimiter
  • . : End of circuit (Output Decimal)
  • : : End of circuit (Output Binary Big Endian)
  • ~ : End of circuit (Output Binary Little Endian)
  • To run J gate, please include 8 numbers representing X1_real, X1_imag, Y1_real, Y1_imag, X2_real, X2_imag, Y2_real, Y2_imag after the QuICScript string, e.g. "IJI 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0" for a X gate on Qubit 2
    To run U gate, please include 3 numbers representing theta, phi, lamda after the QuICScript string, e.g. "IUI 1.78 1.0 3.14"
Learn more: QuICScript manual

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