.. _using_AStablish: ================================ 2. Using the AStablish solution ================================ -------------- 2.1. TL;DR -------------- This section covers a quick guide on how to use AStablish if you wish to jump right in and start using. Once you have the **AStablish Task Pane** on the right, click **Get Started** at the bottom of the task pane, or click **Check Wallet** at the top of the task pane. Click **Set up worksheet** and you will see a rectangular table in the active sheet of your Excel Workbook with cells to be filled. Follow the instructions above the table. To perform validation tasks, go to the **Wallet** section in the AStablish **right task pane**: * Click **Validate address** to validate whether the wallet address is valid. * Click **Validate signature** to validate whether the signing message is filled and the signature is valid. * Click **Check against blacklist** to check whether the wallet address/es appear in any blacklist. * Click **Retrieve Activity** to see what blockchains are active in the wallet address. To check wallet transactions, go the **Transactions** section in the AStablish **task pane** and: * Click **Retrieve Details** to see what transactions are in the wallet. You can filter out blockchains, provide a date range and choose listing type to customize your transaction listing. * After you have generated your transaction listing, click one of your generated listings and then, click **Retrieve Counter-Party Address** to get corresponding counter-party address/es for a selected transaction ID. -------------- 2.2. Tutorial -------------- Before using AStablish, watch the `tutorial video `__ which gives a summary on a few features of AStablish. Alternatively to access the tutorial, you may: * Click on the video under the **Welcome** section in the task pane. * If you have already clicked on **Get Started**, simply click the **Get Help on Astablish** dropdown, the section will expand and show more icons. Click on the **Watch tutorial** icon. * After finishing the tutorial, click on **Get Started** to start using AStablish, OR, click on **Maintenance** tab at the top of the task pane. ------------------------------- 2.3. Demo with simulated data ------------------------------- This section covers a demonstration on using AStablish with simulated data if you wish to explore more on AStablish's features before using real data. 1. Always click **Set up worksheet** first when you run AStablish. It is in the third section from the top in the **Maintenance** tab on the right task pane. A rectangular table will appear in the active sheet of your Excel workbook. 2. Under the **Demo** section which is the fourth section from the top in the **Maintenance** tab on the right task pane, click on **Load simulated data**. You will now see that the cells in the table have been filled up. Each row is the simulated data for a particular wallet address. 3. Under the **Wallet** section: a. Click **Validate address** to validate whether the wallet address is valid. b. Click **Validate signature** to validate whether the signature is valid. c. Click **Check against blacklist** to check whether the wallet addresses appear in any blacklist. d. Click **Retrieve Activity** to view all the blockchains active in a selected wallet address. If there are none, a prompt will be provided in the right task pane. 4. For each row, the validation results will be shown when performing actions 3a, 3b and/or 3c on the respective columns in the table. In those columns: a. if the cell is **GREEN** in colour, it means the wallet has been validated and there were no problems when checking against any of the **Wallet** functions. b. if the cell is **RED** in colour, it means the row has a cell that is invalid, which has been pointed out by the **Wallet** functions. c. if the cell remains **WHITE** in colour and states **X Missing**, it means that the row has not been completely filled with relevant data before using the **Wallet** functions. Try changing the simulated data. In the first row, under the **Wallet Address** column, replace the last letter of the wallet address with a random letter, and click **Validate address** again. Under the **Valid Wallet** column, the cell is red in colour stating **No** after clicking **Validate address**, this means that the current row does not have a valid wallet address anymore. .. image:: _static/Validation.png :alt: Image for Validation results * You can simply replace the last letter back to the original letter and click **Validate address** again and the wallet address will be a valid address. * The **Verified** column suggests that for each row, the **Digital Signature** cell is a valid signature. * For the first 5 rows of simulated data, the **Blacklisted** column shows that these wallet addresses do not appear in the OFAC blacklist. However, for the last 2 rows, the **Blacklisted** column shows that these addresses have been blacklisted by OFAC. More information about what each features achieve will be covered in the following sections. -------------------------------------- 2.4. AStablish **Wallet** features -------------------------------------- Section 2.4. covers the **Wallet** features on AStablish's **right task pane**. -------------------------- 2.4.1. Validate address -------------------------- This feature validates whether the wallet address is valid (either there are wallet transactions or there are blockchains in which the wallet address appears in). By inputting a valid wallet address, its corresponding public key and ensuring that you have selected the correct blockchain in the **Crypto** column, **Validate address** will check whether the wallet address is valid. Do ensure that there are no typo errors for the wallet address and public key, and you have selected the correct option in the **Crypto** column. Given that you have clicked **Validate address** and the wallet address you provided is valid, **Yes** will appear in the **Valid Wallet** column and the cell is highlighted in green. If the wallet address, public key or blockchain selected is invalid or have been changed, **No** will appear and the cell is highlighted in red. -------------------------- 2.4.2. Validate signature -------------------------- This feature validates whether the digital signature is valid. By inputting a valid message, digital signature, public key and ensuring that you have selected the correct blockchain in the **Crypto** column, **Validate signature** will check whether the digital signature(s) in the **Digital Signature** column is valid. Do ensure that there are no typo errors for the message, digital signature and public key. Given that you have clicked **Validate signature** and the digital signature you provided is valid, **Yes** will appear in the **Verified** column and the cell is highlighted in green. If the wallet address, message, digital signature and blockchain selected is invalid or have been changed, **No** will appear and the cell is highlighted in red. ------------------------------ 2.4.3. Check against blacklist ------------------------------ This feature checks the wallet address against blacklist. By inputting a valid wallet address and ensuring that you have selected the correct blockchain in the **Crypto** column, "Check against blacklist" checks the wallet address against blacklist. Do ensure that there are no typo errors for the wallet address. Before you use this feature to check a wallet address against any blacklist, you should first use **Validate address** to check that you have provided a valid wallet address. Given that you have clicked **Check against blacklist** and the valid wallet address does not appear in the blacklist(s), **No** will appear in the **Blacklisted** column and the cell is highlighted in green. If the wallet address is invalid or has been changed, **Yes** will appear and the cell is highlighted in red. ------------------------ 2.4.4. Retrieve Activity ------------------------ This feature pulls a list of blockchains in a selected wallet address in a separate Excel worksheet. To generate the list of blockchains in a selected wallet address that has activity: 1. Move your cursor and click on that specific valid wallet address you would like to check from. 2. Then click on **Retrieve Activity** under **Wallet** section and wait a few seconds. A dialog will popup showing 'Retrieving Wallet Activity' in the right task pane while you wait. .. image:: _static/retrieveActivityImgs/retrievingActivity.png :width: 40% :align: center :alt: Image for 'Retrieving Wallet Activity' dialog 3. If the wallet address is valid, a success message will show up on the dialog in the right task pane. .. image:: _static/retrieveActivityImgs/retrieveActivitySuccess.png :width: 40% :align: center :alt: Image for successful retrieval of wallet activity dialog On Excel's Sheet Tab Bar, you will see a new sheet appears for that specific address you clicked in step 1. The name of the sheet is "Blockchains" + shortened wallet address. 4. Click on that sheet and you will be able to view the list of blockchains the wallet address has activity in. Refer to section for more information regarding this sheet. 5. If the button fails, a dialog will be shown telling you either to select a valid address if you chose a cell with an invalid wallet address: .. image:: _static/retrieveActivityImgs/selectValidAddress.png :width: 40% :align: center :alt: Image for selecting valid address dialog OR, a dialog will be shown telling you to select a wallet address with activity if you chose a cell with a valid wallet address but the address doesn't have any activity in it: .. image:: _static/retrieveActivityImgs/selectAddressWithActivity.png :width: 40% :align: center :alt: Image for selecting address with activity dialog Select a cell with a valid wallet address with activity in that wallet address and click **Continue** on the bottom right of the dialog to continue. Alternatively, click **Cancel** to exit the **Retrieve Activity** feature. -------------------------------- Wallet Blockchains sheet -------------------------------- The new Wallet Blockchains sheet is named "Blockchains" + shortened wallet address. It shows a few attributes. .. image:: _static/retrieveActivityImgs/WalletBlockchains.png :align: center :alt: Image for Wallet Blockchains 1. On the top of the page, the sheet shows the full address of the wallet and the date of query. 2. The sheet shows the list of the Blockchain(s) which the wallet address has activity in. ------------------------------------------ 2.5. AStablish's **Transactions** features ------------------------------------------ Section 2.5. covers the **Transactions** features on AStablish's **right task pane**. ----------------------- 2.5.1. Retrieve Details ----------------------- This feature retrieves transactions for blockchains in a selected valid wallet address and outputs them in excel worksheet/s based on user input. Regarding retrieving transaction details of wallet address: 1. Move your cursor and click on that specific valid wallet address you would like to view transactions from. 2. Then click on **Retrieve Details** under **Transactions** section in the **Maintenance** tab. 3. If a cell without a valid wallet address is selected, a dialog prompt is shown in the right task pane telling you to select a valid address: .. image:: _static/retrieveDetailsImgs/selectValidAddress.png :width: 40% :align: center :alt: Image for selecting valid wallet address dialog ELSE, if a cell with a valid wallet address is selected, but without any wallet activity, a dialog prompt is shown in the right task pane telling you to select a wallet address with activity: .. image:: _static/retrieveDetailsImgs/selectAddressWithActivity.png :width: 40% :align: center :alt: Image for selecting wallet address with activity dialog 4. In both cases, select the correct cell with a valid wallet address and click **Continue** to continue to the next step. Otherwise, click **Cancel** to exit the dialog. 5. A new dialog form is displayed in the right task pane as shown below: .. image:: _static/retrieveDetailsImgs/defaultTransactionsFilter.png :width: 40% :align: center :alt: Image for retrieve details form 6. The dialog form has three key parts to it: a. A **Select blockchains** dropdown that allows you to choose what blockchains you want in the transaction listing (only the blockchains active in the wallet address will be shown): .. image:: _static/retrieveDetailsImgs/selectBlockchains.png :width: 30% :align: center :alt: Image for select blockchains dropdown By default, all blockchains in the wallet address are selected. b. A **Txn Listing** selection box that allows you to select **Consolidated** or **Split** as shown below: .. image:: _static/retrieveDetailsImgs/txnListingTypeSelection.png :align: center :alt: Image for select txn listing type selection box **Consolidated** moves all transaction listings across all blockchains into a single worksheet. **Split** separates transactions listings by blockchain across several worksheets as shown below: .. image:: _static/retrieveDetailsImgs/splitListingsTabs.png :width: 60% :align: center :alt: Image for split listing tabs By default, **Consolidated** is selected. c. **Start date** and **end date** datepickers that let you choose what date range you want the transactions to cover (this is defaulted to a start date of the launch date of Bitcoin blockchain and a end date of today's date), as shown below: .. image:: _static/retrieveDetailsImgs/startDatePicker.png :width: 40% :alt: Image for start date picker .. image:: _static/retrieveDetailsImgs/endDatePicker.png :width: 40% :alt: Image for end date picker You may choose to type the date in manually or select the datepicker by clicking the calendar icon on the right of the input box. i. If the field is empty, a prompt is given telling you to fill out the field: .. image:: _static/retrieveDetailsImgs/emptyFieldPrompt.png :width: 40% :align: center :alt: Image for empty field prompt ii. If you select that is before the minimum start date of 3rd January 2009 or after today's date, a prompt is also shown asking you to enter after the respective dates as shown below: .. image:: _static/retrieveDetailsImgs/startDateUnderflow.png :width: 40% :alt: Image for start date underflow .. image:: _static/retrieveDetailsImgs/endDateOverflow.png :width: 40% :alt: Image for end date overflow 7. If all the inputs in the form are valid, transaction details dialog is shown while the transactions are being pulled: .. image:: _static/retrieveDetailsImgs/retrievingTxnDetails.png :width: 40% :align: center :alt: Image for retrieving transaction details 8. Once the transactions are pulled and the worksheet/s are generated, a success dialog is shown: .. image:: _static/retrieveDetailsImgs/txnDetailsSuccess.png :width: 40% :align: center :alt: Image for successful generation of transaction listings 9. On Excel's Sheet Tab Bar, you will see new sheet/s appear for that specific address you clicked in step 1: a. If a consolidated listing is selected, only one sheet is produced in the following format: Wallet + short wallet address. ELSE, if a split listing is selected, a single or multiple tabs are created with the following format: *shortened blockchain + Wallet + shortened wallet address*. b. If the dates are filtered such that not all transactions are pulled, the consolidated listing format changes to: *Wallet + short wallet address + shortened start date + shortened end date*, AND, the split listing format changes to: *shortened blockchain + shortened wallet address + shortened start date + shortened end date*. 10. Click on a sheet for a consolidated listing or select one of the sheets for split listings, and you will be able to view the transactions of that address. Refer to section 2.5.2. for more information regarding this sheet. ---------------------------------- 2.5.2. Transaction Details sheet ---------------------------------- As stated in Step 9 of section 2.5.1., there are 4 types of listings that can be produced: - Consolidated with all transactions - Consolidated filtered within certain date range - Split with all transactions - Split filtered within certain date range All listings contain: 1. A single row in the first two cells (A1:B1) which contains all the blockchains in the selected wallet address. .. image:: _static/txnListings/blockchainsInWallet.png :width: 80% :align: center :alt: Image for blockchains in wallet 2. Yellow table/s containing: a. The name of blockchain and wallet address. b. The date of query in the format of (day month year, hh:mm:ss GMT+8). c. Legend for Non-Whitelisted Coin. .. image:: _static/txnListings/blockchainListingDetails.png :width: 80% :align: center :alt: Image for blockchain listing details 3. Four main categories of attributes: a. Coin attributes i. Date in the format of (day month year, hh:mm:ss GMT+8) ii. Transaction ID iii. Sender/Recipient Address .. image:: _static/txnListings/coinAttributes.png :width: 80% :align: center :alt: Image for coin attributes b. Whitelisted Coin Transfers i. Contains at least the native coin as well as other supported coins that were transacted on the chain. ii. The corresponding smart contract addresses for the other supported coins are shown above this section. iii. Each supported coin has an in and an out column for transactions coming in and going out respectively. .. image:: _static/txnListings/whitelistedCoinTrfWSmartContractAddresses.png :width: 80% :align: center :alt: Image for whitelisted coin transfers c. Non Whitelisted Coin Attributes i. Module of Coin (shows whether the transaction was done on the main chain, an layer-2 chain or is an Non-Fungible Token (NFT)) ii. Symbol of Coin iii. Name of Non Whitelisted Coin iv. Smart Contract Address .. image:: _static/txnListings/NWCoinAttributes.png :width: 80% :align: center :alt: Image for non-whitelisted coin attributes d. Non Whitelisted Coin Transfers i. Contains all non supported coin transfers separated by in and out columns. ii. The transactions are identified by attributes listed in 3c. .. image:: _static/txnListings/NWCoinTrf.png :width: 40% :align: center :alt: Image for non-whitelisted coin transfers For listings containing all transactions (Consolidated and split): 1. The wallet current balance for each supported coin is shown at the end of each sub-listing. .. image:: _static/txnListings/walletCurrentBalanceFooter.png :width: 80% :align: center :alt: Image for wallet current balances for each blockchain For listings filtered with certain date range (Consolidated and split): 1. All sub-listings have a starting and closing balance at the end as well as current balance table at the start of the worksheet. .. image:: _static/txnListings/walletOpeningAndClosingBalances.png :align: center :alt: Image for wallet opening and closing balances for each blockchain .. image:: _static/txnListings/currentBalances.png :align: center :alt: Image for current balances for the wallet 2. The start date and end date are shown after the blockchains in wallet. .. image:: _static/txnListings/startAndEndDates.png :align: center :alt: Image for start and end dates ------------------------------------- 2.5.3. Retrieve Counter-Party Address ------------------------------------- This feature retrieves and outputs counter-party address/es for a valid selected transaction ID. Regarding retrieving counter-party address/es from a valid transaction ID: 1. Move the cursor to a cell containing a valid transaction ID in any transaction listing worksheet of your choice and select it. 2. Click on **Retrieve Counter-Party Address** button under the **Transactions** section in the **Check Wallet** tab. 3. If the transaction ID is invalid, a dialog prompt will be shown in the right task pane asking you to reselect the a cell with a valid transaction ID as shown below: .. image:: _static/retrieveCounterPartyAddressImgs/selectValidTxnId.png :width: 300 :align: center :alt: Image for selecting valid transaction ID dialog Once a valid transaction ID has been selected, click **Continue** to pull the counter-party address/es. Otherwise, click **Cancel** to close the dialog. 4. If successful, the dialog will be updated to a success message: .. image:: _static/retrieveCounterPartyAddressImgs/retrieveCounterPartyAddressSuccess.png :width: 300 :align: center :alt: Image for successful retrieval of counter-party address 5. The counter-party address/es will be pulled and output in the 'Sender/Recipient Address' column in the rows corresponding to the transaction ID as shown below: .. image:: _static/retrieveCounterPartyAddressImgs/counterPartyAddressOutput.png :alt: Image for excel worksheet output of counter-party address -------------------------------- 2.6. Create message for signing -------------------------------- If you would like to use your own wallet addresses instead of simulated ones but do not have a message, AStablish offers simulated message. You may access that by clicking **Create message for signing** in the **Setup** section in AStablish's **right task pane**. ---------------------------- 2.7. Using your own data ---------------------------- You may choose to use your own data to fill up each column after you have clicked **Set up worksheet**. 1. Click **Set up worksheet** 2. Add / Delete rows according to your need and input in the data in each cell 3. Use any of AStablish features for your own data You may also add in your own comments in the **Audit Comments** section.